From Here to There—SEGD Talks for the Journey

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We’ve all been on the precipice of a big change at some point—taking on more or fewer responsibilities, maybe changing roles entirely—either personally, professionally, or both. What motivates the final push to level-up on both planes for designers, and what’s specifically required to do so?
Find inspiration and answers to take your team’s and your own professional life to the next level in these eight exclusive members-only SEGD Talks available to the public on a limited basis.
For the Personal-Professional Journey
Paula Scher, FSEGD, Pentagram (New York) “How to Succeed at Designing While Being Totally Unqualified for the Job” at the 2019 SEGD Conference: Scher gives insights into how she fell into experiential graphic design and all the fascinating places it’s taken her career.
Lucy Holmes, Lucy Holmes Design (London) “So Far, So Good” at Wayfinding & Placemaking 2019: Hear Holmes’ design journey, how it has evolved in professional practice and how she thinks and feels about people and places.
David Gibson, FSEGD, Two Twelve (New York) “Lost and Found” at Signage & Wayfinding 2017: Gibson weaves a personal story with a tale of wayfinding, sharing his insights on how people navigate, what happens when they get lost and how design can help them find the right path.
Wayne Hunt, Hunt Design (Pasadena, Calif.) “Waynefinding” at the 2018 SEGD Conference Experience Minneapolis: Hunt takes us through the highs and lows over the course of his successful career in wayfinding design.
For the Team-Practice Journey
Julie Beeler, Second Story (Portland, Ore.) “Scenarios for Ownership Transition and Leadership Bridging” at Business of Design 2017: Beeler gives practical leadership insights on positioning your firm for future success through M&A.
Shel Perkins, Shel Perkins & Associates (San Francisco) “Business Planning” at Management for Designers 2018: Perkins describes the fundamentals of how to structure and plan design practices to achieve specific goals.
Ted Leonhardt, (Seattle) “Negotiating Your Worth” at the 2017 SEGD Conference Experience Seattle: In this workshop session, Leonhardt breaks down the reasons why we have difficulty negotiating and how to overcome that.
Harry Spetnagel, Gensler (Denver) “Attract, Engage, Retain” at SEGD Business Summit 2015: Spetnagel addresses hot questions, like: How do you reach, engage, and retain the next-generation of designers?
Onward and upward! Find more inspiring SEGD Talks are always here for you.