SEGD Unveils Professional Practice Groups at American Alliance of Museums Conference

Last week at the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) conference in Baltimore, MD, SEGD made a significant announcement that marked a new chapter for museum professionals. Cybelle Jones, CEO of SEGD, and Mark Daigle, Director of Partnerships, proudly introduced the newly established SEGD Professional Practice Groups.

This innovative initiative is designed as a key platform for knowledge exchange and innovation, aimed at harnessing the collective expertise of members dedicated to museum exhibition and experience design. The announcement took place at SEGD’s first-ever booth at the AAM conference, where Cybelle, Mark, and volunteer George Mayer, formerly of Kubik Maltbie, welcomed over 100 visitors across the two days of the expo.

The interactions at the booth were highly productive, with many discussions centering on the opportunities provided by this new community. The Professional Practice Groups look to focus on developing professional practice standards across various areas such as contracts, ethics, professional standards of practice, accessibility, and sustainable best practices.

The response from the community was overwhelmingly positive. The need for a dedicated hub for discourse, knowledge sharing, and education in museum design was clear, and the enthusiasm from both new and potential members was palpable. With SEGD’s robust digital platforms and the extensive network of 40 chapters facilitating in-person events throughout the year, this initiative is perfectly aligned to leverage and expand the wealth of expertise and resources available.

An upcoming opportunity to engage on the topic of exhibition design is at SEGD Exhibition and Experience Design, happening June 20-21st at Planet Word in Washington DC. This event will be chaired by Timothy McNeil, Professor of Design at UC Davis and author of “The Exhibition and Experience Design Handbook,” and co-chaired by Tricia Austin, a renowned design researcher and PhD Supervisor at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, who’s most recent book is “Narrative Environments and Experience Design, Space as a Medium of Communication.” Sign up today for two days of talks, workshops and discourse on themes such as the climate crisis, social polarization and techno ethics.

For those interested in learning more about the Professional Practice Groups or for existing SEGD members who want to get involved, please visit our dedicated Glue Up page and see the pinned post for instructions on how to join one or more groups! This is an exciting time to be part of the SEGD community, as we continue to innovate and lead in the world of environmental and experiential graphic design.

It was wonderful to run in to so many of our members last week at AAM. We want to extend a special shoutout to Will Hunter of Axiell, who won our SEGD raffle! We hope that you all continue to join us in shaping the future of museum exhibition design, and let’s innovate, collaborate, and lead together.

About SEGD

We are designers of experiences connecting people to place. SEGD is a multidisciplinary community collectively shaping the future of experience design. We are a thought leader and an amplifier in the practice of experience design. Learn more at