A Very Lovely Holiday Deadline

Read Time: 2 minutes
Here is just a friendly reminder for those of you in relationships; your significant other deserves chocolates and flowers this Friday since it is, in fact, a very special day—a holiday really. That is, of course, the day you will be submitting your 2020 SEGD Global Design Awards project(s)!
Your S.O. will need a reminder that this prestigious competition hasn’t completely taken over your life—keeping you up at all hours of the night, wandering if your images are up to par, debating if you’ve categorized your project correctly, and justifying the decision to float into the late entry period because the work you put into the project itself deserved all the time it took to get the submission just right. It’s a little dramatic (like all those incredibly sappy rom-coms we all know and love), but we know you’re passionate about your work and it’s our greatest honor to be able to provide a platform for exemplary work in the EGD industry.
Here’s a little romantic movie magic to get you inspired to commit to your project and hit submit:
“To All the Projects We’ve Loved Before” – 2019 Winners Gallery
“Global Design Awards, Actually” – Global Design Awards Home Page
“When the Jury Met Your Project” – 2020 Global Design Awards Jury
“About Time (to enter your project)” – 2020 Entry Portal
“Set it Up (to be the perfect submission)” – Best Practices for Preparing a Winning Entry
“The ‘Best of Show’ Notebook” – 5 Years of Best of Show Awards Elevating EGD Practice
“Perks of Being a Winner” – Takes One to Know One—9 Winning Projects and People to Know
Webster defines a holiday as “a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event.” Wow, how perfectly this describes Friday! Since the 2020 Global Design Awards entry portal has been open for months and the first deadline has come and gone, you should be wrapping up your projects right about now. (Say it with me, “It’s time to commit and hit submit!”) If you play your cards right, you won’t need to work on your submission Friday and your holiday can commence on schedule.
We’re all very excited and our 2020 jury can’t wait to see what you and your team have entered this year. So show your project some love and HIT SUBMIT!
Here’s to all your hard work and dedication to the work, projects, and people you love most on this lovely holiday deadline, Feb. 14.