Inspiration and Community Amidst this Chaos

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Dear SEGD Community,

It goes without saying that this has been a challenging time for all of us, regardless of specialty, experience level, or geographic location.

What if we took a moment to pause to find inspiration and community amidst this chaos?

SEGD has refocused the Management + Leadership workshop to provide content focused on business leaders.

As leaders, we’re making time-sensitive decisions based on limited and changing information. We’ve had to work seemingly around the clock to keep our office afloat, ensure our staff is supported and can succeed virtually, fulfill commitments to clients, and pursue all economic support available. All while juggling a daily schedule, health, and new responsibilities such as homeschooling.

This event will provide an opportunity to refresh, refocus, and understand how others within our organization are responding to the same challenges.

Please join us on Thursday, April 23, from 4:00 – 5:00 pm CDT for the Mix + Mingle, and Friday, April 24, for a full day of new content developed specifically for the Management + Leadership event. Register here.

I look forward to reconnecting with you there!

Anna Crider, SEGD Board President