Curious About the ROI from Xlab 2019?

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Xlab 2019 is almost here and with Halloween coming up, we want to make sure you see the greater value in registering for Xlab than buying yet another massive spider for the lawn and purchasing your seventh bag of candy “for the kids.” (No shame here. We just think you might like the food in NYC better.)
That being said, let’s get to the real ROI from attending Xlab in Brooklyn, NY, November 7-8.
- You’ll further your business development goals and grow your network by connecting with new partners, clients, vendors and fabricators during tours, breaks and social events (like Post-Tour Meetup at Circa Brewing on Nov. 7, or the NYC Chapter Mixer at Black Forest on Nov. 8.)
- You’ll learn from the leaders of top-level experiential design firms (like ESI Design and Bluecadet), tech firms (like OST), academic institutions (FIT Graduate Exhibition & Experience Design and Cranbrook Academy of Art) and more!
- You’ll take your newfound knowledge back to the office to share with your boss and co-workers (and then direct those who stayed behind to the SEGD Talks page to recap the best and most informative moments).
- You’ll gather intelligence on the latest trends and technologies helping to build experiences for the future (while finding out what leading firms are using and why).
- You’ll Tweet/Facebook/Instagram post and blog about the event while you’re there (with #SEGDxlab, so SEGD can retweet and like it), raising awareness for your company (and making us look like we’ve offered you the experience and connections you came for!).
- You’ll meet the next generation of design students coming up (and will extoll the virtues of working for your firm).
- You’ll be excited, refreshed and inspired to take on new projects (We’ve all been hard at work lately, this would give you a much-needed boost and hopefully inspire some new ideas on how to make experiences that will continue to make an impact. If anything, you’ll get some self-validation in being part of an experience-driven industry).
And last but not least, you’ll get our money’s worth, with two jam-packed days of sessions and talks, project and firm tours and networking events! (Check out the detailed agenda here!)
Long story short, you won’t want to miss Xlab 2019—the second-largest and last SEGD event of the year—because this event is tailor-made for anyone in the business of creating experiences and place from now and into the future.
I’m ready to hop off the fence—get me registered for Xlab 2019!!