Sydney Theatre Company Honour Wall



Practice Area


Sydney Theatre Company


Project Vision

In 2013, Collider was engaged to design a permanent installation in honor of Sydney Theatre Company’s long-term patrons and donors. The honour wall features a series of clear boxes housing special props and wardrobe featured in a variety of productions over the company’s history. Dimmable back-lit panels provide a frame for each object while oregan panelling grounds the wall within the existing architecture and layered, old, and industrial nature of the pier setting. Featured objects include an apartment key featured in Gross und Klein (2011) starring Cate Blanchett; gold flitter from The War of the Roses (2009); a vintage fan from A Streetcar Named Desire (2009), and a corset from Chicago (1981, 1983), to name a few.

At its opening, the Sydney Theater Company’s Honour Wall had 20 featured boxes and an additional 28 covered boxes, allowing for future patrons to “take a box” through their patronage.

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Project Details
This ingenious approach to a donor wall reads as a noir cabinet of curiosities. Dimmable lighting and the use of the clear jewel boxes make for a dramatic presentation. Gorgeous. 
Juror 1
Design Team

Andrew van der Westhuyzen (creative director); Natasha Bartoshefski, Yuna Moon, Sarah Nguyen (design); Renée Mulder (prop styling)

Design Firm


Project Area

258 sq ft

Project Budget



A&W Signs (production and installation)