Sydney Park Business Centre

Practice Area


Executive Committee and Owners of the SPBC


Project Vision

This site was originally a 1940 Australian Interwar Functionalist style factory building in Sydney, reconstructed 15 years ago with very few original features remain. All owners were frustrated with the lack of signage. The physical nomenclature was illogical. Low number suites on the first level and the remaining scattered on the ground level. Six entrances, and one well-hidden lift. Nearly everyone coming into the building would get lost.

As a shared building with owners all in need of professional client and visitor interaction, the situation had to change for the better. The building needed to reinforce and build on one main entry, so the solution was to redesign and relocate the directory board into that space. The goods and passenger lift entrance needed to be clearly identified, and four external decision points for directions to the suites were agreed and accepted. The pillars were perfect for wrapping signs and multi directional arrows as they captured people approaching from all entry points.

Project Details
Design Team

Anne Gordon (principal designer, documentation, artworks and installation coordination), Juanita Franzi (artworks), Tim Walker (early stage design documentation), Isaac Williams (early stage planning and design)

Project Budget
