The Value of SEGD—Revealed!

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SEGD’s Summer 2020 has begun featuring new and improved events-gone-virtual, free workshops, and education programs! As we reimagine events and add new programs, we aim to continue connecting, educating, and inspiring our SEGD community—putting greater value in an SEGD membership, putting greater emphasis on quality virtual experiences, and putting more focus on supporting members as they continue doing the work they love.

Maybe you’ve chatted with our CEO in our “Open Up” sessions, or participated as a mentor or student in a “Present Yourself” workshop, or maybe you’re signed up and looking forward to the Academic Summit tomorrow, whatever involvement brought you to our site, we’re happy you’re here and we hope you stick around for the next lineup of great workshops and events coming your way. Just know, the benefits get better with membership!

There’s no excuse! Joining is really as easy as A-B-C: 

A: It’s all about you.

With free Member Bios and Member News, SEGD is all about promoting Brand You and making you more visible (and successful) in your professional community and beyond. SEGD is THE most targeted way for you to advance your career. Member Bios show up on every page of the SEGD website, garnering more than 20,000 impressions and 1,000+ reads/year! Your submitted Member News is featured on the front page of the SEGD website (of which garnered over 55,500 impressions last year) along with a potential shoutout via SEGD’s social media platforms.

B: Lots of free stuff + discounted events.

As an SEGD member, you get an all access pass to free webinars (rebranded as SEGDVoices), free video content from speaker sessions (SEGDTalks—our version of TED Talks), and, free enrollment in your local SEGD Chapter (where more events are offered locally), free website content (features, themed content, and member news posted daily!), not to mention SEGD’s award-winning Annual magazine and the academic journal Communication + Place. Members also enjoy substantial discounts to all SEGD events and workshops! 

C: Students rule.

Now, students can join our dynamic, global, multidisciplinary community for just $30/year! That one-time yearly fee covers all SEGD events and workshops so student members can attend for free as well as enter the Global Design Awards for free. (Don’t forget to sign up for our NEW biannual mentorship program “Present Yourself “!) And you just might meet your next employer!

D: We’re here to inspire.

SEGD’s roster of inspiring, thought-provoking, and market-focused educational events is designed to educate you and boost you to new career heights. From cutting-edge digital technology to traditional wayfinding and from exhibition design to branded environments, you’ll learn something new at every SEGD event. You’ll also meet the people driving trends and shaping the future of experiential graphic design. (That’s a lot of exposure to some very influential professionals in the industry!)

E: Our website means business. is the locus of the SEGD community and the place where members can access the latest and most valuable information about experiential graphic design. Need a collaborator on one of your projects? Want to benchmark your work against other members’? Researching projects in your client category and want to get inspired? is indexed by areas of practice, client verticals, and EGD/XGD fundamentals—providing a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. 


Wait, there’s more: New members will receive a 50% discount (ONLY $185) for your first year!

Click here to join our global community of EGD professionals today!