Small Business in the Time of COVID-19

Read Time: 1.5 minutes

Like many of our member firms, SEGD is a small business. We have eight employees; half worked remotely prior to COVID-19 and now the other half work remotely as well. In the new normal, we’re working hard to stay healthy, stay sane, and stay productive. We’re learning how to keep our personal world small, meanwhile letting everyone zoom in to see us—cats and pajama bottoms
and all.

We’re also drinking information and advice from a firehose, just like everyone else. So I want to share what we’re doing, in case it touches on what you’re doing these days.

You’ve heard about the CARES Act. I found this side-by-sideof the particulars of the act, from that National Council of Nonprofits, to be very informative. A non-profit association put it together and the information applies to any business. Don’t miss the links at the bottom!

Today is the first day to submit for the Paycheck Protection Program,and SEGD is applying for a loan. While you can find assistance from the Small Business Administration,I called our longtime bank and found that they are processing the applications. Here is the applicationand a cheat sheetfrom our banker on the hardest part of the paperwork: calculating average monthly payroll.  

Lastly, you may have seen this FFCRA documenton paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave from the Department of Labor. Like many firms, SEGD is not bound by this act. However, SEGD is acting as a model and good citizen by following the FFCRA, which can also stand as a guideline and understanding of leave and FMLA for our member firms.

As Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn.” In this time of uncertainty, we will support you and share information with you, as our members.

Together, we can all get through this.

Ann Makowski
Interim CEO, SEGD