Shall I compare thee (Global Design Awards) to a Valentine’s Day?

Read Time: 3.5 minutes
Whether you’re single, in a relationship or it’s complicated, we’ve all, at one time or another, classified Valentine’s Day as “just the worst.” So, to brighten your day, we’ve compiled a list to compare the crazy heart holiday with the super relevant SEGD Global Design Awards.
1. Just like Valentine’s Day, the Design Awards happen at the same time every year and there’s absolutely a certain level of pressure that comes with choosing to participate. However, unlike Valentine’s Day, there isn’t negative stress with entering the Design Awards. Once you (obviously) decide to submit your work, you know you’ve done a good thing and you’ve got a good chance at being recognized for your efforts. If you decide to participate in Valentine’s Day, you run the risk of going on an unfortunate date, paying too much for jewelry and chocolate and/or fighting the crowds at the local fancy dinner place downtown. (I had a reservation, but we still ended up at a table by the toilets.)
2. While you’re over there spending way more than you anticipated on cheesy cards only to write “Love, _____” in them, jewelry to show commitment and chocolate for a sweet surprise, the Design Awards costs you one fixed amount and we aren’t going to complain if you gift wrap the money or just enter and pay online. (Show me the money.)
3. The rules for Valentine’s Day have NEVER been universal; ergo, this holiday features gross dates you met online, couples who can’t keep it together in public, social media depression overload and significant others who offend each other by spending too much or too little on presents. However, the guidelines for the Global Design Awards have managed to hold a level of stability you appreciate in such uncertain times. The guidelines haven’t changed and you can see them whenever you want. (I need a little stability in my life right now. It’s not you, it’s me.)
4. Valentine’s Day can bring back old memories, good or bad, and make you nostalgic of past years or leave you deflated and upset. The Design Awards can beget the same nostalgia but, through the Awards Gallery, you can physically take a look back in time and see past projects, winners, jurors and now finalists! (First date: Look at this super official picture of me as a finalist for a Global Design competition.)
5. On Valentine’s Day, it can be hit or miss as to who you end up sharing your time with, and sometimes it isn’t worth the effort to get dressed up and pretend you know proper table etiquette. Yet with the Global Design Awards, you can be certain that you’re sharing your work with a jury of highly esteemed professionals who are dedicated to choosing a variety of design work that best connects people to places. (Your online dating profile casually brags that Lance Wyman, Kathy Fry and so many other amazing designers have seen your work.)
6. Unlike Valentine’s Day, when you have to wait until after the 14th to get a deal on all that delicious candy, SEGD is offering the deals right now! (That Love Heart candy is such a deal breaker, but the Design Awards is a total dream maker.)
** If you’ve entered before, RESUBMIT and we’ll waive the $75 dollar late fee.
** If you enter on or before February 14th, you’ll enter a drawing for one free conference registration.
While we can’t change how you feel about Valentine’s Day, we can make sure you’re reminded of what’s truly important about tomorrow—it’s the deadline for the Global Design Awards (at 11:59 p.m. ET) and that’s a gift to give to yourself AND your firm. So why wait? If you aren’t taking a chance on love this season, at least love your project enough to share it with the world and get the recognition you deserve for your hard work and killer design.
P.S. Call us maybe! (202.638.5555). Or email us at We, the SEGD staff, are here for you if you’ve got any SEGD Global Design Awardsquestions, or could use a well-informed phone call to get you out of that bad blind date.