Renewing Could be the Easiest Thing You Do All Year

Read Time: 1 minute

Is it time to renew already? The answer is yes, yes it is; especially if your membership has lapsed (you know who you are). But, even if it’s not your SEGD anniversary date, you can renew in advance. Intrigued yet?


Well, since we’re asking for five minutes (tops!) of your time to renew, here are five reasons to act now!

  • Renewing is easy, like really easy. In fact, it might be the easiest thing you do all year.

  • If you have education or membership budget dollars left over, you can spend ’em on next year’s membership (so you can attend more events in 2020)!

  • Renew while you’re thinking of it and you won’t have to do it later (like when you’re trying to watch a video that’s for members only).

  • Do it now, and you can deduct it from your taxes as a business expense for 2019!* (*We’re fairly certain, but you should check with your tax professional on this one.)

  • If you renew in advance, there will be no chance of embarrassing lapsing, which can lead to other conditions like not being able to submit Member News, losing access to the amazing SEGD Toolbox,one’s SEGD Bio disappearing and the general malaise that accompanies not being and SEGD member.** (**Okay, there’s no scientific proof of this side effect, but we believe it’s possible.)

All that said, if you want to know when your membership lapses, you want to join, or you’re ready to renew, we’re looking forward to getting in touch. So many benefits—all accessible in a matter of minutes. Let’s do this!  Emailor call SEGD at +1.202.638.5555.