Honoring Indigenous Stories, SEGD Voices webinar

Honoring Indigenous Stories

SEGD Voices webinar, December 1st, 4-5pm EST, 1-2pm PST, December 2nd, 7-8am AEST, 10-11am NZDT  

Read Time: 1 minute

The importance of honoring indigenous stories spans the globe. Each location has its own sensitivities, lessons to be learned, and story to be told. For our final Voices of the year, we have invited a panel of representatives from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the United States to share their experiences.

Join SEGD Voices for an introduction into a deeply significant and complex topic, creating an opportunity to seek growth in processes and awareness toward properly honoring Indigenous stories. The moderated round table format invites an open dialogue of challenges faced, successful outcomes, and important considerations, working to discover similarities and differences of each location. Following the 45 minute discussion, we welcome participants to share their own experiences, ask questions, and  participate in this important conversation. 

Panelists: Leo Vicenti, Fetu Ese, Jennifer Herd, Vernon Ah Kee, Despina Macris and Susan Mavor

Host:  Anna Crider

Event Date: Thursday December 1st, 4-5pm ET, 1-2pm PT, Friday December 2nd, 7-8am AEST, 10-11am NZDT