The Gift of Belonging

It doesn’t get much better than feeling as if you belong to something greater than yourself. Oh wait, it does! Being able to learn and grow as a professional in that same supportive community is even better—and right now, it’s half off or more for first-time members at $185, so you can give your employees or yourself the gift of SEGD Membership for less.

(It’s a pretty sweet deal; who wouldn’t want an amazing EGD toolbox under the tree/menorah/festivus pole—besides, don’t you have some extra budget dollars to spend before the end of the year?)

Here’s some more food for thought:

—Continuing professional development is one of the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw)

—Highly effective is definitely something you want yourself (and employees) to be

—Other highly-effective professionals make good colleagues, business partners and friends (SEGD has 2,300 like-minded and friendly professionals all in one community!)

—You can interface with them in person at SEGD’s events, annual conference and chapter events or online through, live webinars or SEGDTalk emails

—It only takes five short minutes to become an SEGD member (and thus be on the road to high efficacy). Call SEGD today: +1-202-638-5555


Not enough to convince you? (Are you a numbers person?) Maybe this will help:


(We said before it was a “pretty sweet deal.” We take that back, it’s a REALLY sweet deal.) 

Make the decision to invest in yourself or your firm—join SEGD today! Online or by phone: +1-202-638-5555