City as an Exhibition

Speaker: Veeksha Mehndiratta, New Delhi, School of Planning + Architecture

Phenomenology in architecture involves orchestration of various physical and natural elements such as space, light and shadow, and material that ultimately craft an immersive experience. The integration of sensory perception as a function of a space informs this impression, that is abstract yet perceived by the user. Architecture is, often, ocular centric which foregrounds the hegemony of vision. Human perception is conditioned by various factors like lived experience, intellectual prowess, observational abilities etc. Therefore, every single perception is distinct.

Narrative architecture utilizes design elements to weave a storyline to communicate a message. This message can vary from a thematic environment like an exhibition to a space that communicates its function. Materiality, detail, composition, and form aid in expressing this message. It highlights the experiential dimension of a space. The design based on these lines can modify human behaviour in public spaces and contribute to the placemaking of a city.