LivingWell Health Clubs


Minale Bryce Design Strategy


LivingWell Health Clubs


Project Vision

Concepts were targeted at providing an emotional connection to the environment. Probably the most popular part of the program is the human-size mosaics, which greet visitors at the changing room entrances. The relaxed posture and friendly demeanor of the images provide a tangible personality to the entry.

Another element central to each club is a super-graphic image unique to that site, but communicating a common theme of a life journey. Superimposed over the graphics are over 160 quotes that are inspirational, thoughtful, sometimes dark, and often irreverent. The modest size of the text and location of the image means that the process of experiencing the graphic is a journey itself.

Project Details
What a fun graphic treatment for a fun environment! This is a very good example of what graphics and graphic designers can do when they like their subject. The level of detail carried through on the theme with the mosaic imagery done in a tile reminiscent of a swimming pool was very clever and understated. Many of the surfaces had a graphic quality not only in lettering styles but also reinforced with texture and light. Innovative restroom signage in this playful, inviting space lets you choose your mood independent of the health club experience that you perceive.
Juror 1
Design Team

Nicholas Bannikoff

Design Firm

Minale Bryce Design Strategy


Brewster Hjorth Architects


Cunneen+Co, Hadfield Signs, Mosaic Design Co.