Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shenzhen) Incubation Headquarters Base

Shapes of numeric and English fonts are used as primary elements of identification, minimizing other structures and decorations.


SURE Design

Practice Area


Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shenzhen) Incubation Headquarters Base


The Challenge

Located in the Guanlan area of Longgang District, Shenzhen, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Incubation Headquarters Base covers about 129,1667 sq ft. The business is comprised of long-term rental apartments and office buildings.

Project Vision

The project aspired to lower the amount of time people spend searching, allowing them to collect information in a straightforward and clear manner. Placing emphasis on the shape of the fonts themselves was the primary element of the guide identification system.

Hu Kangyu

Hu Kangyu

Design + Execution

By placing emphasis on the shape of the fonts, people are able capture the guide information directly and clearly without unnecessary searching. Each building’s number guide mechanism is comprised of numerals that are rotated 90 degrees between the higher and lower levels in order to accommodate multi-angle viewing requirements.

Hu Kangyu

Hu Kangyu

Hu Kangyu

Hu Kangyu

Project Details
I really liked the sculptural approach and how well they fit within the landscaping.
Juror 1
The interesting play with the form of the number to create the wayfinding element has an innovative approach. I loved how the dimensionalized form becomes a beacon of light and direction.
Juror 2
I love these condensed, tall extruded letters standing in the landscape. They almost feel figural, given their human height. I think it's inventive that they sometimes stack with the extrusion surface serving as a canvas for wayfinding at eye level. The typography is stately and elegant, and the construction is well done, even when there are curves involved.
Juror 3
This team smartly utilized space in this wayfinding element. The never-ending concern in design is the need for space where there is none and this team really approached the design in an efficient, succinct and beautiful manner.
Juror 4
Design Team

Zhang Shuo (creative director)
Wang Xiaoyang (design director)
Wang Xiaoyang (designer)
Zhao Jiongzhan (designer)
Zou Jingyu
Li Shuang (designer)
Liu Yuqing (designer)
Zhong Xiaoli (design internship)


ingame office (architectural design)

Photo Credits

Hu Kangyu (photography)

Open Date

May 2020