Capital Metro Experience Design
Project Vision
Austin’s Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority is on the cusp of significant expansion including a new park-and-ride initiative, new technology-enhanced vehicles, the addition of a commuter rail, and a dramatic growth in its service levels. fd2s was selected to provide comprehensive experience design services covering existing and planned transit offerings.
Capital Metro project teams will be able to use the Guiding Principles and Best Practices to make informed choices at the beginning of any new project or initiative. fd2s also created nine categories of user touch points grouped into three related Priority Sets.
The first Priority Set in the Experience Lens considers how Capital Metro communicates with users. This includes the information users receive, the methods used to deliver it, and the tools that allow them to customize the information to their needs. Priority Set Two groups together the assets and infrastructure that support Capital metro services. Priority Set Three considers the operational factors that influence a rider’s choice to use the system, broken down into events, routes, and fares.
Project Details
This program used a very comprehensive and engaging study of real rider experience to ensure that the new CMTA system is meaningful to existing and future users. Recommendations are tied to metrics, which is a good way to make sure that the findings are really used. The information was well designed and graphically pleasing. The findings were relevant and modern.
Design Team
Herman Ellis Dyal, AIA (Principal in Charge), Steven L. Stamper, Jon Freach, Suzi Poore, Itze Pavon, Curtis Roberts
Design Firm
fd2s, inc.