Join Us for 2023 SEGDVoices 03!

On October 25, 2023, our virtual event SEGD Voices 03 will be focused on airport wayfinding and signage from around the world. Hear from authors Heike Nehl and Sibylle Schlaich as they discuss how airport graphics express the identities of place, culture, and even the spirit of flight, with excerpts from their book  “Airport Wayfinding.” Registration is free for SEGD members!

Learn more about the event and register now at this link.

About SEGD  
We are designers of experiences connecting people to place. SEGD is a multidisciplinary community collectively shaping the future of experience design. We are a thought leader and an amplifier in the practice of experience design.

SEGD is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization.