Tim Lloyd

Tim Lloyd

Director of ADA specific raw materials for sign fabrication and educator on ADA sign compliance.



Member Since

February 2023

Fourth generation sign industry. In depth knowledge of sign paints. Educator on ADA sign compliance to meet government specifications.

Ask me about

ADA sign compliance and installation free webinar training.

My super power is

Leadership, mentoring, and supporting my team and our industry.

I'm looking for

The ability to educate or consult with designers on the ADA sign specifications and installation requirements for compliance.

What I love about experience design

We work in a great industry where you never stop having opportunities to learn and help others.

Best piece of advice I've ever heard

“I’d rather think for 50 minutes and then work for 10”.

Where I find Inspiration

I know I am not the smartest person in the room. Communication and integrity are key.

Practice Area

Branded Environments, Public Installation, Wayfinding

Focus Area

Interactive, Signage, Smart Cities


Corporate, Cultural, Education, Entertainment, Healthcare, Museums, Recreation, Retail, Sports, Transportation, Urban + Civic, Visitor Centers, Workplace