Shaima Bardawil
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Dr. Shaima Bardawil is a Jordanian Visual Communication practitioner, researcher, and educator based in the United Arab Emirates. After growing up in Abu-Dhabi, Shaima received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Graphic Design from University of Petra, Amman – Jordan, and her Masters and PhD degrees from Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom.
As an academic and a researcher, Shaima has been designing and teaching various Graphic Design courses during her six years of teaching experience at various institutions in Jordan, United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates. Throughout Shaima’s continuous learning and teaching journeys, exploring ‘the essential visual communication requirements for multicultural users’ stands at the center of her research and practice. This was the main research question explored in her doctoral thesis.
Since September 2012, She has been working as a lecturer and a coordinator of the Graphic Design and Multimedia Program, College of Fine Arts and Design, University of Sharjah.
Learn more about Dr. Shaima Bardawil’s work at the University of Sharjah. Connect with Shaima on LinkedIn.