Liz Kelly
Smooth Seas Make Lousy Sailors
Member Since
April 2016
A Passion To Learn, To Teach, To Lead
To deliver superior, unexpected levels of service, to celebrate success as a team and humbly accept accountability for failure or shortcomings as one’s own opportunities for personal growth in strength and knowledge. Exercise the 5 why’s and lead resolve in continuous process improvement.
For 8 years Liz Kelly learned, trained, led and experienced the satisfaction of rescue lives and prevention of loss by aiding her hometown’s citizens as an e-911 telecommunications specialist. The requirement of achieving numerous certifications in emergency management, human behavior, and medical care afforded the opportunity to hone skills in swift, decisive action, motivation and conflict resolution. She shared the honor of training and lead others gaining the greatest sense of accomplishment as they mastered and succeeded in their own rite within their own careers.
For 15 years Liz Kelly learned, trained, and led a crew of multiple nationalities while serving as a Lead Officer and Corporate Trainer on board Royal Caribbean International’s cruise ships. If you’ve never experienced “ship life” firsthand, she sums it up with our One Task:
Consistently support the brand and exceed 10’s of thousands of Guest’s expectations, every single day, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. To proficiently synchronize and embrace the organizational ethos and share the same mission and vision for success.
They delighted in seeing their customer’s dreams come true. Did all succeed? Of course not. Although every effort was made to work through and capitalize on all redeeming qualities to avoid the loss, there were those who’s path was never meant to fall in-step. As their Leader, they would be supported through counsel then sent home, with a smile, and a renewed faith that their future would simply be a different journey. This is Liz Kelly’s training style and leadership style, and; most of all; her learning style. You may never know where the next lesson comes from, learning, teaching and leading with your eyes wide open.
Read more about Liz Kelly and peruse her credentials and professional profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisabethkelly/
Ask me about
Anything! If I don’t have a relatable story or reasonable answer, I’ll jump at the opportunity to find a great resource we can both learn from.
My super power is
What I love about experience design
What I love about Education and AI is how it is categorically changing the entire human race opening up more opportunities for us to connect on a global scale.