Arrowstreet and SEGD Boston Chapter Co-Hosted Well-Being by Design Event

Arrowstreets’ Experience Design studio and the SEGD Boston chapter co-hosted a multidisciplinary event that united designers, clients, and end-users to explore an important trend in our industry. The theme, “Well-Being by Design,” illuminated the growing dialogue on how art and design can enhance emotional well-being in built spaces. Throughout the evening, they learned how uplifting artists from disadvantaged backgrounds can empower and inspire, as well as how strategic space planning and architectural choices can foster healing. they learned how the well-being trend is influencing the development of multi-family residential buildings for the next generation, and we explored how dynamic installations can create spaces conducive to tranquility and healing.
The evening kicked off with a lively networking reception, with nearly 100 guests in attendance. Participants indulged in a health-conscious buffet including a variety of wellness juice shots. Following the reception, four groups of panelists provided insights into the topic of well-being from different angles.