King of Dinosaurs
Meet Tristan Otto, one of the most complete Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs ever found, especially striking due to the patina of its glossy black fossilized bones. A full-scale immersive animation invites visitors to journey inside the skeleton. A soundscape of open chords and airy flyover effects stimulate a synesthetic effect in the visual journey.
The Challenge
The challenge was to create an immersive atmosphere for visitors by applying digital state-of-the-art tools without overshadowing the iconic skeletons. The fossils should be at the center of attention, and the digital layer’s main function was to create supportive layers, enhancing the narrative and objects.
Project Vision
The exhibition is shown in the historic former Geological Museum in central Copenhagen, a beautiful but spatially challenging environment. In order to ensure that the galleries could house a large T-rex, an accurate metric scan of the skeleton was made. During careful analysis of the digital spatial model, (which showed that the dinosaur would fit, phew!), the team came up with the idea of using the scan as a part of the exhibition. A full scale immersive animation is housed a small square room half way through the visit and after meeting the T-rex.
Design + Execution
A series of digital backdrops serve to enhance the Jurassic environments and set the right atmosphere. Each backdrop is projected on semitransparent voile, spanning from ceiling to floor. To accomplish the best 3D- effect, while at the same time avoiding moiré effects on the large projections, a series of textiles was tested. Furthermore, projection spill on fossils was avoided through video- mapping.
The immersive animation was created using two laser projectors. The journey through the fossil was rendered through two virtual cameras, and stitched side-by-side in the gallery.
Project Details
Design Team
Anders Drud Jordan (lead on digital concept and content)
Alex Fairhead (lead on exhibition concept)
Marie Hølund (exhibition design)
Frederik Wolff (creative concept producer)
Bent Lindow (paleontologist and scientific consultant)
Juliette Fritsch (deputy director of visitor experience)
Dark Matters (digital concept and animation)
Rasmus Zwicki (soundscape composer)
Kasper Stouenborg, Stouenborg Aps (AV specialist and programming)
Photo Credits
Frederik Wolff, Natural History Museum of Denmark (photography)
Anders Drud Jordan, Natural History Museum of Denmark (photography)
Natural History Museum of Denmark (videography)
Open Date
June 2020